Remembering passwords beyond the first 10 or so are just impossible. I had then turned to keeping a txt or excel file with all my passwords. Simple but not-so-great solution. After doing a bit of googling, I found KeePass. An excellent tool, but the one drawback it has is that if you use several computers, keeping the passwords in sync are a real problem. They apparently do have online sync of passwords, but I haven't tried it.
Finally found passpack, and its an excellent tool to remember all your passwords. Fact is, I don't remember any passwords now, nor do I read and type when I log in. Just launch passpack, launch the website and log in. Its even got auto-login, learn the login and other fancy tools, but the simple bit just works.
And for those websites (like some pesky banks) that force you to change login every month/week etc, passpack can auto-generate a strong password, which you can just use. No need to think up a complicated password. is a to-do list. Fairly simple, it allows you to add list, tags and then mark the due date, sends you reminders, all the sundry things that a to-do list should do.
I had started using Outlook tasks, but it only works on one PC (and you dont want your personal tasks saved at work ;).
RTM also has a decent Android plugin that you can use on the phone, well worth the Rs 1000 or so that you pay for it ($25).