The Word2Vec algorithm is an unsupervised algorithm that takes a word as input and returns a vector which describes this word in a high dimension space (for example, 300-500 dimensions). Prior to Word2Vec, the most popular algorithm to convert words to vectors was the bag-of-words model, which simply indicates presence or absence of the word.
The weakness of Bag-of-words model was the vectors had a poor notion of distance. For example, the word vectors for Paris and France would have no apparent similarity in Bag-of-words, but Word2vec generates vectors that can not only tell that these words are similar, but can derive relationships which determine the capitals of other countries, given only the country names.
Image courtesy Maastricht Uni, Dept of Knowledge Engineering |
I implemented a Clojure library that wraps a Java implementation of Word2Vec. More details (and a short tutorial) in this blog post (Crossposted from the Bridgei2i Github site)